Working From Home

Working from home can be a great thing, but are you set up to do so correctly and give a professional look when on video calls with your co-workers or clients?

Most people think, ‘Oh, I only need my laptop and I can work from my kitchen table or the desk in my bedroom’, and that is fine… For the short term!

After 3 weeks crouching over the table in the kitchen, how does your back and neck feel?

when on a video call with your co-workers or boss, where are they looking while you are talking? At you? Or at your bed in the background? Do you forget to dress the bed this morning?

It is the little things that people miss and when they add up it becomes a problem, like back pain from sitting wrong on a kitchen chair 8 hours a day, five days a week. It is the environmental setup you have, either by lack of experience, or lack of space.

We offer a full range of advice and options to make your experience working from home the best, most comforatble, most productive, andmost professional possible, based on your needs and facilities.


  • Location Recommendations

  • Equipment Selection and Setup (Desks, Chairs, Camera/Webcams, Microphones, Mouse/Keyboard, Laptop/PC, Key Lights, etc.)

  • Desk layout

  • Lighting

  • Video Call Security (no kids or pets running into the room while on a call )